Thursday, 1 August 2013

Natural Beer!

What's new people?

Well, I just got back to Dawson City from Whitehorse. Its was an awesome day trip. We visited the Aroma Borealis Herb Shop, and tour the Yukon Brewing company. The Aroma Borealis shop was very cute. A small one room shop shelves stacked high with all natural healing products, bulk herbs, teas, shampoos and conditioners, and essential oils. I made the point of buying a bag of dried wildcraft Chaga(I havent had the best luck in finding any). I have some brewing in the pot and should be ready when I'm done telling you about the beer that's worth freezing for.

The Yukon Brewery is a small facility with big turnout. In all of Canada the most beer drank is in the Yukon, 60% in fact. Out of that 40% is Yukon Brewery's Yukon Gold English Pale Ale. This is one I actually drink a lot of up here. They have 8 different beers all year round and bring out specialties with each season change. Yukon Brewery uses no chemicals and no preservative in any of their beers.
From left to right: Chilkoot Lager, Deadman Creek:Cranberry Wheat Ale(Steeped with whole cranberries), Yukon Gold English Pale Ale, Discovery:Honey ESB(their first beer which was discontinued until recent popular demand), Ice Fog IPA, Yukon Red Amber Ale, Lead Dog(best to put away and let age), Midnight Sun Espresso Stout(steeped with 8 pounds of espresso beans in each batch).

In this picture you can see the whiskey they are aging. In Canada, Liquor companies are allowed to reuse oak casks, these ones previously held bourbon, so they are very excited to see how it turns out. The launch date has not been announced because they don't even know when it will be ready.  It gets better with age!

These new innovative packages for the 6 and 12 pack cans are so much better than the old! They are much more environmentally safe and also recyclable. 

Empty cans getting sorted on the line. The cans get a shot of CO2 and are then filled with beer and sealed.

Mash getting brewed. The send the unused split grain to local farmers for feed.

This was such a cool experience getting to see this small business work such a huge operation. Just goes to show how passion for your hobbies can make dreams a reality. 

Right as we were leaving Whitehorse, a huge lightening storm rolled over us. It was 10:30 p.m. at night, the sun was still lighting the sky and within 5 mins the sky was black. Never have I seen more lightening in my life! It crawled across the sky every 10-20 seconds and bucketed rain for the first hour we were driving. It was such a beautiful sight. 

For more info on Yukon Brewery check out their website:

Feel free to leave comments below. Tell me about your local craft or microbrewery! Love Yukon Beer? Let the world know!

Happy hour is almost over! 
 - Zinn

Spruces Best Friend

While my article on Spruce medicinal values is taking longer than expected, I thought I would talk about a common lichen found on spruce. Commonly called Old Man's Beard(Usnea), this hair like lichen grows all over the northern hemisphere. You've probably noticed it out on your hikes.

Other names for this medicinal are Wild Clematis, woodbine, traveler's joy. This lichen is most commonly used for migranes and hypertension. It is also known to be effective against, pneumococcus, TB, staph and strep. Usnea has anti-inflammatory and analgesic qualities, it is also an immune system enhancer. Usnic acid fights bacteria by entering and destroying the metabolism in that bacterium, and therefore effective against fungi and viruses. It can be used against colds and lung infections. A spray can be used for a sore throat.

You can use Old Man's Beard in a tea(1 tsp per mug boiled water) or as a alcohol tincture (dried: half jar Usnea, fill jar with alcohol. Fresh: full jar Usnea, top up with alcohol). However, it is more effective to extract the medicinal qualities with alcohol. A method of tincture making is found here. Any spirit can be used. Do not use rubbing alcohol.

Be sure to test yourself for allergies. rub a small amount on your inner elbow and wait 48 hours before harvesting. Some people are very allergic and swallowing can be harmful.  When collecting medicinal plants from the wild, make sure you are able to accurately identify the plants. Consult a knowledgeable herbalist when wild-crafting  Usnea has a tendency to absorb pollutants such as heavy metals from the air, so it is inadvisable to collect it from areas with a lot of air pollution. Usnea is known for enhancing the immune system, it is contraindicated for use by those suffering from autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus.

Have you used Usnea and have something to share? Leave a comment or email me @

Happy Trails!
 - Zinn